
Entry Definition
h/ middle finger (Wol)
s/he marks h/ with finger(s); presses h/ hard with finger(s), leaving mark
s/he marks it with finger(s); presses it hard with finger(s), leaving mark
s/he has stiff finger(s)
ring finger, fourth finger
middle finger
h/ middle finger
little finger, pinky
h/ finger
s/he shakes finger at it (scoldingly or accusingly)
s/he shakes finger at h/ (scoldingly or accusingly)
s/he inserts finger into h/ rectum
s/he inserts finger into (own) rectum
s/he inserts finger into h/ ear
s/he inserts finger into h/ mouth
s/he runs fingers through h/ hair
s/he eats h/ with fingers or hand(s) (something soft or messy)
s/he eats with fingers or hand(s)
s/he eats it with fingers or hand(s) (something soft or messy)
h/ ring finger, h/ fourth finger
s/he sucks (own) finger(s)
sixth finger (thumb of opposite hand)
s/he shakes finger at it, shakes stick at it; s/he shakes it (something stick-like)
h/ pointer or index finger
h/ finger