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Displaying 1 - 25 of 19320
Entry | Definition |
'kiyewin | s/he likes it, cares for it (taste, color, etc.) |
acaqaluhs, aqacaluhs | (fish, Perca flavescens) yellow perch |
accihte | it changes colour, turns red; (fruit, vegetable) it ripens; (name for month in lunar calendar approximating July or August) |
accihtewsiket kisuhs | (name for month in lunar calendar approximating July or August) |
accossu | s/he changes color, turns red; (berry, apple, etc.) s/he ripens |
't-acehlal | s/he changes h/, transforms h/; s/he changes h/ diaper |
acehlosu | s/he changes or transforms self |
acehtahsu | s/he makes changes, s/he changes (something) |
acehtasu | it is changed, is modified |
't-acehtun | s/he changes it, transforms it |
't-acehtuwan | s/he changes something belonging to h/ |
acesson | it changes abruptly |
acessu | s/he moves abruptly to different location, position, etc. |
aci (ac-, at-) | changing; moving to another location |
acicuwon | (liquid) the direction of its flow changes |
acihpusu | h/ vibration causes h/ to move to new location; s/he moves or shifts from shaking or wriggling |
acihpute | its vibration causes it to move to new location; it moves or shifts from shaking |
't-acihputun | s/he repositions it by wiggling or shaking it |
't-acihtun | s/he alters it |
acikatehs | (bird, species uncertain) snipe |
acikcehpute | (light, eye) it shakes uncontrollably |
't-acikcenomon | s/he moves it (eye) |
't-acikcenomuwan | s/he moves something (eye) belonging to h/ (e.g., doll) |
acikcessu | (eye) it looks away |
acikotone | s/he gets older; s/he goes through puberty |