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Displaying 2501 - 2525 of 19317
Entry | Definition |
epahsi-kulon | (measure of wood) half cord |
't-epahsilc, 't-epahsilcom, 't-epahsakilcom | h/ middle finger |
't-epahsi-miluwan | s/he gives half of it away |
epahsi-skicin | one who is half Indian (half Native) by descent |
't-epahsitahatomon | s/he is half decided about it, is of two minds about it; s/he considers it to be dilemma |
't-epahsi-tomosal | s/he cuts or divides h/ in half |
't-epahsi-tomosomon | s/he cuts or divides it in half |
epahsi-tpuhkot | it is midnight, it is the middle of the night |
epahsiw | halfway, in the middle |
epahsiyahsu | s/he is a little crazy, s/he is not all there |
epahsiye | s/he is foolish, is crazy |
epahsonasu | it is divided in half, is halved |
't-epahsonomon | s/he divides it in half, halves it |
epahsuhkak | they split into two teams, they form two teams |
Epakuwitk | on or to Campobello Island, New Brunswick; Prince Edward Island |
epascokte | (soft substance) it half fills (something) |
epaspe | s/he, it is half full of liquid |
't-epaspehlal | s/he fills h/ halfway with liquid |
't-epaspolal | s/he fills h/ halfway with liquid |
't-epassal | s/he cuts h/ in half |
't-epassomon | s/he cuts it in half |
epastoq, epastoqiw | in middle of body of water (bay, lake, river) |
epeskocossis | (bird, Hirundo rustica) barn swallow |
epeskomakon | (sports, games) ball |
epeskomaluwehs | killer whale, orca (Orcinus orca; so named because of habit of tossing seals in the air when hunting); circus sea lion (Zalophus californianus; refers to seal's ability to play with a ball) |