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Displaying 501 - 525 of 19317
Entry | Definition |
't-ankeyutomon | s/he cares for it, takes care of it; takes responsibility for it; (Wol) s/he watches out for it (so as to avoid breaking it or bumping into it, etc.) |
ankeyutomuwakon | care, caring, caregiving |
't-ankeyutomuwan | s/he takes care of something belonging to h/ |
't-ankeyutomuwewan | s/he takes care of it for h/ |
ankeyutuwakon | (sports, military, etc.) equipment or clothing that protects the body (knee-pad, mask, bullet-proof vest, etc.) |
't-ankeyuwal | s/he takes care of h/, looks after h/ |
ankeyuwut, ankeyuhut | one being taken care of; patient; client; citizen (also, in this same sense, subject) |
't-ankolumol | h/ uncle |
-anku | (number suffix) -teen |
anku-, ankuh- | (see ankuwi) |
ankuhke | s/he builds extension on house |
't-ankuhpehlan | s/he adds liquid to h/ (e.g., milk in cup), s/he tops h/ up with liquid (container) |
't-ankuhpehtun | s/he adds liquid to it (e.g., coffee in cup, soup), s/he tops it up with liquid (e.g., gasoline in tank) |
't-ankuhpehtuwan | s/he adds liquid to it for h/, s/he tops up with liquid something belonging to h/ |
't-ankuhpolal | s/he adds liquid to h/ (e.g., cup, pot) |
ankuhqepu | (seated person) s/he moves over (e.g., along bench or couch) |
ankuhte | (building, shelf, pavement, etc.) it is added on to, it is extended; (ell, annex, etc.) it forms extension or increment |
ankuhtehsin | s/he jumps ahead |
ankuhtehson | (e.g., stone skipping on water or pavement) it jumps ahead |
ankuhtehsonuwiw | (e.g., stone skipping on water or pavement) it jumps ahead |
ankuhtek | extension, addition, increment; (building) annex, ell |
't-ankumal | s/he sells to h/ |
ankumtuwok | they sell to each other, barter or trade with each other |
't-ankunal | s/he passes h/ along, hands h/ (to someone) |
't-ankunomon | s/he passes it along, hands it on (to someone) |