
verb ai 9 or 13
s/he wants to buy or sell, is going to buy or sell
Plural : kotuwankuwawolotuwok, kotuwankuwahtuwok
Verb Stem : -kotuwankuwe-, -kotuwankuwa-
Changed Verb Stem : ketuwankuwe-, ketuwankuwa-

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
U ya, cu-oc-ona nekom 'tihin, nkisewestuwamahpon yut-te piliw, itom nekom-ona kotuwankuwe. Oh, yes, she will surely be there as well. I spoke with her recently, and she said she was going to be selling, too. (JN)
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

Audio Recording Type of Recording Authored by
word Dolly
example Dolly