
verb ta 36
s/he catches up with h/ (on foot)
Verb Stem : -tetomihkuw-

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
Mam-ote ktetomihkuwi. You finally caught up to me.
Mam-ote ntetomihkaq Mali. Mary finally caught up with me.
Nanakiw tetomihkuwat Pokomk, wisokiluwehenaqsu. Soon Fisher overtakes him, looking very angry. (LM)
On nit keka 'tetomihkakul, eci-lahket ipisis nomocinawtiw. Then he had almost caught up with her, when she threw down a switch by the side of the trail. (MT)
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

Audio Recording Type of Recording Authored by
word Nancy
example Nancy