etoki-te, etokiw-ote

if, whether

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
Npetkawotinen naka ktoqecimulonen papehci-etoki-te kisi-skicinuwatuwihin. We come here and we ask you specifically whether you can speak Peskotomuhkati. (RM)
Etoki-te-na kil kisi-oliyayin... If it's possible for you to go, too...
Etoki-te li-kisehtuwon, ktehqi-wtoman. If you can do it, stop smoking.
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

Audio Recording Type of Recording Authored by
word Dolly
word Donnell
Example Dolly
Example Dolly
example Dolly