
Start Time Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English
00:00 Ma-te nokatomuwon 'samaqan? She wasn't afraid of the water?
00:02 Nama. No.
00:02 Nama? No?
00:03 Nama. Nit-te-na 'kospahlal... No. He dried her off right away.
00:05 Iya. Oh.
00:06 Nit-tehc weckuhqepit. And she just sat there.
00:06 U ya. Oh, yeah.
00:09 Wot kahk eci-ahqeltok 'samaqan. This one can't stand the water.
00:13 Tepot tokec But now,
00:16 tan ci yaliyayek iyey 'samaqanok... when we're around the water...
00:19 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
00:20 ...nit-tehc nmacephanen. ...then we take her with us.
00:21 Nita. Oho!
00:22 Nekom-ona weckuhqepit. She just sits there.
00:25 Cel-ona nkisonuhmuwewan nit, iyey, And we even bought her that...
00:31 keq-al nit ktoliwihtomon, what do you call it?
00:32 life-saver? A life-saver.
00:33 Aha. Yes.
00:33 Kosona-al nit keq. Or whatever it's called.
00:35 Iya. Oh.
00:35 'Samapskosu, ma-te memopiw. She's too fat. She doesn't fit in it.
00:37 Nama. No,
00:39 'Samapskosu. she's too fat.
00:42 Aha, 'samapskosu ntemis. Yes, my dog is too fat.
00:44 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
00:46 Naka, iyey, And yet
00:49 aluwehta nuci-kotunket not. she's a hunter.
00:52 Aha, u ya. Yes, oh yes.


Capture Date 2010-09-22
Video Length 01:03
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