
noun animate (verb ai participle 9)
baby-sitter, house-sitter
Plural : nuci-ksonuwikecik; nuci-ksonuwikhoticik

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
Elinaqsultihtit yukk nuci-ksonuwikecik. Tan-oc wot pkonuk? There are so many baby-sitters. Which do I choose?
Pihce Apiqosikon koti tama wikuwamke, kotama-lu mosonawiyil wenil nuci-ksonuwikelicil (kessonuwosewcil); 'possoni-yalapin, tehpu nemiyacil Mahtoqehsuwol. A long time ago, Lynx wanted to go visiting somewhere, but she couldn't find anyone to mind the baby (for her); she looked around all over, and the only one she saw was Rabbit. (MT)
Notes : (also, kessonuwiket; see ksonuwike)
Keywords :

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word Dolly
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example Dolly