'colokihtehkomon |
s/he presses on it forcefully with foot or body; s/he brakes it (e.g., car) |
'colokihtehkuwal |
s/he presses on h/ forcefully with foot or body (e.g., gas pedal); s/he brakes h/ (bicycle, by pedalling backward) |
'conkomon, 'conokomon |
s/he brakes it (vehicle) |
'conkuwal |
s/he brakes h/ (bicycle) |
conokuhulikewey |
brake (of automobile, train, sled, etc.) |
'conopekomon |
s/he backs water with it (paddle), brakes it (canoe) using paddle stroke |
'sesolahki-colokihtehkomon |
s/he brakes it suddenly (car, etc.) |