eheceyu |
it is difficult |
ehecinaqsu |
(hidden, camouflaged, in fog) s/he is hard to see, is just barely visible |
mocapomal |
s/he has difficulty seeing h/; s/he looks at h/ indecently |
mocapskicuwon |
it is difficult rocky stretch in river (i.e., hard to canoe through) |
motecokonoma |
(sick person) s/he breathes with difficulty (sounds as if s/he has phlegm in throat) |
motuweyu |
it is difficult, it is hard to deal with |
sakolacqessu |
(log, sled) s/he, it is difficult to slide |
sakoleyu |
s/he, it is hard to the touch; s/he, it is difficult |
sakoli (sakol-) |
hard to the touch, firm, solid; sturdy, strong, tough; difficult |
sakolihtuhulqosu |
(ash log) s/he is difficult to pound successfully; (boxer) s/he is difficult to hit or knock out; (lender) s/he doesn't lend money easily |
sakolihtuhulqot |
(wood) it is difficult to split |
sakolikpeksu |
(tree, ash splint) h/ wood or grain is difficult to split |
sakoliksasu |
it is difficult to saw |
sakoliksawulqot |
(wood, log) it is difficult to saw (e.g., because it is full of knots, grain is dense or twisted) |
'sakoliksomon |
s/he saws it with difficulty |
'sakoliksomuwan |
s/he saws with difficulty something belonging to h/ |
'sakoli-ntuphal |
s/he has difficulty catching h/ (ball) |
sakoli-pomiptasu |
it is difficult to carry, is unwieldy |
sakoli-psikhasu |
it is difficult to split |
sakoli-wolonasu |
it is cumbersome, is difficult to get a good grip on |
sikaqote |
(food, recipe) it is difficult to cook |
sikatuwewakon |
hard or difficult language |
sikeyu |
it is hard to do, is difficult |
siki (sik-) |
difficult, hard, severe |
sikihtasu |
it is difficult to make or do |