ahtolakonutome |
s/he keeps talking, keeps telling story or stories |
ahtolewestu |
s/he keeps talking, keeps speaking |
't-ahtolewestuwamal |
s/he keeps talking to h/ |
't-ahtolewestuwatomon |
s/he keeps talking to it (microphone, etc.) |
ahtolihtaqsu |
s/he keeps on talking, keeps on repeating self |
akonutome |
s/he talks, tells story, reports news |
amalhewestu |
s/he talks elegantly, speaks poetically |
cipokewestu |
s/he talks loud, speaks in loud voice (when a quieter voice is more appropriate, as in church or in conversation about private matters) |
'cipokihtaqsuwamal |
s/he talks loudly to h/, yells at h/ |
costaqsu |
s/he talks constantly, s/he talks and talks; (imperative and absentative forms) s/he shuts up, stops talking |
ehqewestu |
s/he stops talking |
eqcokewestu |
(person blathering) s/he finally stops talking |
esuhkiyewestuwok, esuhkewestuwok |
they talk back and forth, they communicate |
kintaqsu |
s/he talks big, talks loud |
kisewestu |
s/he talked or spoke, can talk or speak |
koluskacomikemu |
s/he talks idly all the time, blathers (habitually) |
koluskacomu |
s/he lies, talks idly, blathers |
lewestuwamsu |
s/he speaks to self, talks to self |
maciyewestu |
s/he starts to talk, starts to speak |
matsehkimal |
s/he talks h/ into it; s/he arouses h/ sexually by talking |
mehtewestuwamal |
s/he finishes talking to h/, ends conversation with h/ |
mehtewestuwatomon |
s/he stops talking to it (e.g., microphone) |
menakacimal |
s/he talks to h/ slowly and deliberately |
menakaci-skuwimal |
s/he talks to h/ slowly and deliberately |
menakatewestuwamal |
s/he talks quietly to h/, speaks slowly or calmly to h/ |