
Entry Definition
s/he saws h/ in two, in half
s/he saws it in two, in half
s/he saws in half something belonging to h/
it is rough-sawn; it has burr or rough edge from being sawn
s/he fells trees (using saw)
(tool) saw (of any type)
s/he saws
s/he goes (comes) to saw it
s/he goes (comes) to saw something belonging to h/
s/he is sawing wood quickly to make kindling
s/he saws logs into sections
s/he is sawing it
s/he is sawing something belonging to h/
s/he is sawing for h/
s/he cuts thin piece of it with saw
s/he saws thin slices of something belonging to h/
s/he splits it by cutting it with saw
it is difficult to saw
(wood, log) it is difficult to saw (e.g., because it is full of knots, grain is dense or twisted)
s/he saws it with difficulty
s/he saws with difficulty something belonging to h/
(saw) it cuts or saws through
it is being sawed
s/he is sawing