
Entry Definition
s/he takes shortcut from there, cuts across from there
moving or taking shortcut so as to intercept or head off (someone or something)
s/he heads it off or intercepts it by taking shortcut
s/he takes shortcut
s/he heads h/ off or intercepts h/ by taking shortcut
s/he takes shortcut swimming, swims so as to intercept (someone or something)
s/he takes shortcut canoeing or paddling, paddles so as to intercept (someone or something)
s/he takes shortcut walking, walks so as to intercept (someone or something)
s/he takes shortcut through it or to get around it, etc.
s/he carries h/ on shortcut
s/he takes shortcut dragging a sled
shortcut path or road
it is shortcut path or road
s/he takes shortcut, cuts across
using shortcut, taking shortcut
s/he takes shortcut
s/he takes shortcut, takes portage route (Wol)
s/he makes shortcut carry or portage
s/he takes shortcut
s/he takes shortcut on foot