
Entry Definition
it is loose
s/he places it loosely (something string-like)
s/he shoots at it causing it to flap loosely (flag, awning, etc.)
(wheel, stucco, etc.) s/he is loose
s/he, it moves easily (because s/he, it is loose)
it gets free, gets loose, gets away, breaks away
s/he gets free, gets loose, gets away, breaks away
s/he sets h/ free, sets h/ loose, releases h/, lets h/ go
(part, attachment) s/he, it has become detached, is not attached
s/he comes off as result of vibration; s/he shakes loose
(baking powder, cornmeal, soil, etc.) it is soft or loose
s/he cuts it loose (from something)
s/he cuts something belonging to h/ loose; s/he cuts h/ loose from it
s/he escapes, breaks loose