kakawatqin |
the water is rough |
kaktaqot |
it has rough sound |
kaktaqsu |
h/ voice is rough or hoarse; s/he croaks |
kawamkosu |
(hailstone) s/he is sharp, has rough surface |
kawaskahkomike |
it is rough terrain (uneven surface) |
kawaskeyu |
(bark, etc.) s/he, it has rough surface |
kawaskikon |
it is rough terrain (uneven surface; especially in appearance, e.g., as seen from above) |
kawaskiku |
s/he is rough to the touch, is rough in appearance; (person) s/he is rough in appearance |
kawaskotonihke |
(mountain terrain) it is rough, rocky |
kawasqoton |
(ice on lake, etc.) it has frozen with rough surface |
kawatokot |
(cloth; e.g., burlap) its texture is rough |
kawekon |
(cloth, paper, etc.) it is coarse or rough to the touch |
kaweyu |
s/he, it is rough to the touch, is rough in texture |
kawiksasu |
it is rough-sawn; it has burr or rough edge from being sawn |
kawomomqosu |
(clothing, etc.) s/he feels rough to the touch |
kawomomqot |
it feels rough to the touch |
kawsitehsin |
s/he steps on something sharp or rough when walking barefoot |
kawtokot |
(cloth; e.g., burlap) its texture is rough or coarse |
'kosuwikotuwal |
s/he roughs h/ up, manhandles h/, overpowers h/ |
ksatqin |
the waves are big or high, the water is rough |
mocahkonahte |
(cushion, mattress, pillow, chair seat, bed, ground, etc.) it is bumpy, is rough, is uneven (uncomfortable to sit or lie on) |
mocihkasu |
the going is rough (when walking) |
mocoloqe |
(on lake, pond, etc.) the ice has rough surface (not good for skating) |