
Entry Definition
big log for fire (unsplit)
(felled trunk of any species of tree) log; railroad tie
s/he is cutting logs
log shelter or lean-to; log cabin
log cabin
s/he cuts up (trees) into logs
s/he chops h/ down, fells h/ (tree); s/he pins h/ down with tree s/he is felling or log
s/he pins it down with tree s/he is felling or log s/he is moving
s/he unintentionally pins h/ down with tree s/he is felling or log s/he is moving; s/he fells tree onto h/
s/he unintentionally pins it down with tree s/he is felling or log s/he is moving; s/he fells tree onto it
s/he accidentally pins h/ down with tree s/he is felling or log s/he is moving
log that crushes prey in deadfall trap
s/he is pinned down by tree s/he is felling or by log which s/he has caused to fall
core of black ash log (part that remains after basket splints have been removed)