
Entry Definition
s/he fails to get married
it fails to ignite, misfires
h/ gun misfires; h/ detonator fails
s/he tries to do it and fails, tries in vain to do it, tries unsuccessfully to do it; s/he tries in vain to get at it
s/he tries unsuccessfully to do it for h/
it fails to occur, fails to move
unsuccessfully, failing in the attempt, in vain
s/he cannot stop h/, tries in vain to stop h/, tries and fails to stop h/
s/he fights h/ unsuccessfully, fails in fighting h/
s/he fights it unsuccessfully, fails in fighting it
s/he tries to make it for h/ and fails; s/he tries in vain to make it for h/
s/he fails to endure it, is unsuccessful in standing up to it
s/he fails to make the turn in it (e.g., road)
s/he fails to stay awake, tries in vain to stay awake
s/he fails to make h/, tries without success to make h/
s/he tries without success to go (somewhere); s/he, it cannot get there; (car, etc.) it fails to start
it cannot get there; (car, etc.) it fails to start, it breaks down