
Entry Definition
it smashes into pieces
s/he smashes it to pieces
s/he smashes h/, smashes h/ into small pieces (usually, soft item or substance)
s/he smashes it, smashes it into small pieces (usually, soft item or substance)
s/he smashes into small pieces something soft belonging to h/
s/he smashes h/ by throwing h/ (onto floor, against wall, etc.)
(soft item or substance; figuratively, a person or animal) s/he falls and smashes, smashes into small pieces
(soft item or substance) it smashes, smashes into small pieces
s/he busts or smashes h/ into pieces by hitting h/
s/he busts or smashes it into pieces by hitting it
s/he smashes it to bits, dashes it to pieces
s/he smashes h/
s/he smashes it
s/he breaks h/ into pieces (bottle, etc.)
it smashes
s/he smashes things, breaks things into pieces
s/he smashes it, hits it hard enough so that effect of blow penetrates deeply
s/he smashes it to smithereens
s/he smashes it to bits
s/he smashes it by stepping on it or by leaning against it with weight of body
s/he smashes it to smithereens, demolishes it