mihkutanishal, mihqotanishal |
s/he cuts or stabs h/ with knife |
mihkutanishomon, mihqotanishomon |
s/he cuts or stabs it with knife (e.g., pillow, body part) |
mitsutiyahal |
s/he stabs h/ with fork |
mitsutiyahmon |
s/he stabs it with fork |
'sapalokihtehmon |
s/he stabs it right through |
sapaqtuhusu |
s/he stabs or pierces self all the way through (so that tip of weapon or instrument comes out other side) |
'saphomon |
s/he stabs it, pierces it; s/he manages to get over or around it (hill, obstacle) |
'saptahal |
s/he stabs h/, spears h/; (bee, etc.) s/he stings h/ |
'saptehmon |
s/he stabs it, spears it |
saptuhusu |
s/he stabs self |