mecimiptun |
s/he grabs it (moving object) and holds it still; s/he holds on to it too long (e.g., baseball bat) |
nahtaliptinewu |
s/he takes hold fastidiously or fussily with thumb and index finger (to pick up something disgusting or dirty, etc.) |
poli (pol-) |
missing intended target; failing to hold on to, failing to grasp; failing to perceive or understand |
'sahsiptun |
s/he grabs it but loses hold of it |
'sakoliptun |
s/he grabs it suddenly, snatches it, grasps it |
'sakoliptuwan |
s/he grabs something belonging to h/ |
'tutonal |
s/he holds h/ by part of h/ body; s/he holds h/ by grasping a part of h/ (cup, etc.) |
'tutonomon |
s/he holds it by grasping a part of it |