
Entry Definition
s/he paints fancily, s/he uses combination of colors to decorate basket(s) fancily
s/he paints it out, paints over it (graffiti, etc.)
it is painted
s/he paints (wall, room, house, car, etc.)
s/he paints h/
s/he paints it
s/he paints or draws with colors thus
s/he puts elaborate makeup on it (face), paints it decoratively
varnish, paint
s/he daubs it, smears it; s/he paints it carelessly or sloppily
s/he marks h/ all over with paint
s/he marks it all over with paint; s/he makes marks all over (something) by painting with it
s/he marks something belonging to h/ all over with paint
paint for pole or column; (basketmaking) mud-like mixture of ashes and water applied to ash log before pounding (marks are left in it where pounding tool has struck; ensures that pounding is thorough and efficient)
salve, ointment; paint (Wol)
s/he is painting or drawing with colors
it is painted white
s/he paints it white
s/he writes, paints, draws, takes picture, etc.
it is painted yellow