
Entry Definition
s/he packs lunch for h/
s/he packs it as lunch
it is stuffed, is packed, is loaded
s/he packs it (into knapsack, bag, etc.)
s/he packs for h/ (suitcase, etc.); s/he makes preparations for h/ (e.g., winterizes house for h/)
s/he packs
s/he packs it, makes preparations with it
s/he packs for h/, makes preparations for h/
s/he packs it (pack, bag, etc.)
s/he packs something belonging to h/ (pack, bag, etc.)
s/he packs for h/; s/he makes preparations for h/ (e.g., winterizes h/ house)
s/he gets it ready by stuffing or packing
s/he gets ready something belonging to h/ by stuffing or packing
s/he gets something ready for h/ to use by stuffing or packing
pack basket, backpack; (plural, also) baggage, luggage
it gets packed down hard (earth, soil)
(snow) s/he is packed by wind
(snow, grass, etc.) s/he, it is packed down hard from being walked on
s/he packs often
it is packed down by tramping
s/he fills a container, packs
s/he puts it back packing or arranging it
s/he packs it up, puts it back, puts it away (puzzle into box, silverware in drawer)
s/he is well prepared, is completely packed
s/he goes around preparing; s/he goes around packing up