
Entry Definition
(wrestling) s/he throws h/ off
s/he throws it, flipping it over backward
s/he throws it open (door, lid, etc.)
s/he throws it open (door, window, etc.)
s/he throws it open for h/; s/he throws open something belonging to h/
s/he throws it into the water
s/he throws it into the water, throws it overboard
s/he throws arms around h/, gives h/ quick and firm embrace
they throw (something) back and forth to each other
s/he throws or tosses it up (higher); s/he jerks or tugs it upward
s/he throws it up to h/
s/he throws it around, is throwing it around
s/he throws it out, ditches it (e.g., tosses incriminating evidence out of car); s/he throws it down off (of something)
s/he throws it fast
(baseball) s/he throws fastball to h/
s/he throws it fast to h/; s/he throws fast something belonging to h/
(baseball) s/he throws h/ out (runner caught between bases or stealing a base); s/he catches h/ (ball) to make double play
s/he threw it, can throw it
s/he threw, can throw; (baseball) s/he pitched, can pitch
s/he threw it for h/, threw it to h/; s/he can throw it for h/ or to h/
s/he threw it off, can throw it off (something on back, shoulder, etc.)
(wrestling) s/he threw h/ off, can throw h/ off
s/he throws it into fire
s/he throws it in the way (of something)
s/he throws it in