
Entry Definition
s/he gets it back, retrieves it
s/he supports or braces; (baseball) s/he saves game, s/he recovers ball and completes play following an error
s/he assists h/, stands up for h/, speaks on h/ behalf; (baseball) s/he saves game for h/, recovers ball for h/ and completes play (following an error)
s/he recovers on own (comes to, regains consciousness; comes to senses, sobers up; straightens up)
s/he comes to, regains consciousness; comes to senses, sobers up, straightens up
s/he, it is feeling better, has recovered
s/he wrings h/ out, gets the water out of h/; s/he dries h/ out (i.e., helps h/ recover from alcohol addiction)
s/he is well enough (having recovered from illness or injury)