look through

Entry Definition
s/he looks through h/, looks at h/ through something transparent or translucent
s/he looks through it (something transparent), looks at it through something transparent or translucent
s/he looks through something transparent belonging to h/; s/he looks at something belonging to h/ through something transparent or translucent
s/he looks through h/ to aim (sight); s/he looks through gunsight at h/, aims at h/
s/he sights along barrel of it (rifle); s/he looks through gunsight at it, aims at it
s/he looks at it through smoke, sees it as if through smoke
s/he looks through h/
s/he peers or looks through it
s/he looks through h/; (radiologist) s/he x-rays h/
s/he looks through
s/he looks through it (hole, window)
s/he looks through something belonging to h/ (keyhole, telescope, etc.)