'kotqiptun |
s/he turns it face down quickly |
'kotqiptuwan |
s/he turns something belonging to h/ face down quickly |
'kotqi-punal |
s/he puts or turns h/ face down |
minuhtihike |
s/he wakes up, turns over, and goes back to sleep |
'qolopahkewan |
s/he flips over something belonging to h/ |
'qolopehlal |
s/he turns h/ over, turns h/ around; s/he makes h/ change h/ mind; s/he transforms h/ |
'qolopehtun |
s/he turns it over, turns it around; s/he transforms it, changes it into something else |
'qolopehtuwan |
s/he turns over or turns around or transforms something belonging to h/ |
'qolopekehtun |
s/he turns it over (page, sheet, cloth, etc.) |
'qolopeki-punomon |
s/he turns it over, placing it down (paper, cloth, etc.) |
qolopekte |
(paper, cloth, etc.) it is turned over, it is folded back |
qolopesson |
it turns over, turns around |
qolopessu |
s/he turns around quickly to face opposite direction; s/he turns over |
qolopessuwiw |
it turns around quickly to face opposite direction; it turns over |
'qolopihtahal |
s/he turns or flips h/ around by hitting h/, knocking against h/, etc. |
'qolopihtehmon |
s/he turns or flips it by hitting it |
'qolopiphal |
s/he turns h/ over quickly, flips h/ |
'qolopiptun |
s/he turns it over quickly, flips it |
'qolopiptuwan |
s/he flips something belonging to h/ |
qolopossin |
s/he turns over (while lying down) |
'susqiptun |
s/he turns it face up quickly |
'susqiptuwan |
s/he turns something belonging to h/ face up quickly |
'tukonehtuwan |
s/he raises upright or turns over something belonging to h/ |