like 2

Entry Definition
s/he likes it, cares for it (taste, color, etc.)
s/he likes the looks of it better
s/he likes h/, loves h/
s/he likes it, loves it
s/he likes or loves something belonging to h/
s/he likes it
s/he likes h/, is fond of h/
s/he likes h/, thinks highly of h/
s/he likes it, thinks highly of it
s/he likes the sound of it, is eager to hear it; s/he is sensitive to the sound of it, can pick it out from among other sounds
s/he likes very much to be in bed
s/he likes the place so much that s/he stays longer
they like each other, are fond of each other
s/he starts to like or love it
s/he likes the looks of it, s/he thinks it cute
s/he likes the way something belonging to h/ looks
s/he likes the looks of h/, s/he thinks h/ cute
s/he likes h/ ways, s/he feels friendly toward h/
s/he likes sound of it, thinks it sounds cute
s/he likes the sound of h/
s/he is fond of it
s/he likes h/, is fond of h/
s/he is liked
s/he likes it very much
s/he likes very much something belonging to h/