't-askihkipolomon |
s/he tramples it; s/he ties it tight |
'kapipolomon |
s/he tramples it regardless, tramples it indiscriminately |
'kapipolomuwewan |
s/he tramples it for h/ regardless |
mehcipolasu |
(carpet, floorboard) s/he, it is worn down or worn out from trampling, from being walked on |
motepolahsu |
s/he is heard trampling (e.g., walking on dry leaves or branches) |
mulahkepolasu, mulkepolasu |
(ground) a depression has been trampled in it (e.g., from repeated walking, dancing, etc.) |
nukcokipolomon |
s/he softens it by trampling it (e.g., mattress) |
'paskocokopolihkomon |
s/he tramples it so that it bursts or breaks (something soft; e.g., tube of toothpaste) |
skihkipolahsu |
s/he tramples (hay, snow, etc.) |
skihkipolike |
s/he tramples down hay (e.g., on wagon or haystack) |
uskihkipolomon |
s/he tramples it |
uskihkipolomuwan |
s/he tramples something belonging to h/ |