askomi-ksihkehe |
s/he, it is lost forever, is lost for good |
askomi-ksihkehewiw |
it is lost forever, is lost for good |
'koskahtahal |
s/he hits h/ so far that s/he (the object hit; e.g., ball) gets lost |
'koskahtehmon |
s/he hits it so far that it gets lost |
ksihkehe 1 |
s/he is lost, gets lost; s/he is disoriented |
ksihkehe 2 |
it is lost |
ksihkehewiw |
it is lost |
'qastahal |
s/he hits h/ so far that s/he (the object hit; e.g., ball) gets lost |
'qastehmon |
s/he hits it so far that it gets lost |
'qastehmuwan |
s/he hits something belonging to h/ so far that it gets lost |
sesomi-ksihkehe |
s/he, it is completely lost |