The Ant Story
Start Time | Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey | English |
00:22 | I… nomiya yaq waht etoli-epeskomalicihi | He sees them playing ball |
00:25 | yet okamok. | across the water. |
00:27 | Nita. | Uh-oh. |
00:28 | Tan-na nekom 'toli-kisi-wici-epeskoman? | How can he go play ball with them, too? |
00:32 | Solahki-te nomiyan wenil waht | Suddenly he sees someone |
00:34 | weckuwi-sukilicil. | in the distance paddling toward him. |
00:36 | ’Titomon, "Nita. Ipa, ckuwi! | He says, "Here's my chance. Hey, come here! |
00:39 | Ipa ckuwi! Qsokahulin! | Hey, come here! Take me across! |
00:42 | Nil-ona yet nkoti-li, nkoti-wici-epeskom." | I want to go over there and join the ballgame." |
00:47 | I… on tepehlan. | And he's taken aboard. |
00:48 | 'Tiyal, "Nita, macehulin. | He says to him, "Okay, give me a ride. |
00:50 | Ktakonutomulonc | I'll tell you what it was like |
00:51 | eleyik waht weciyay." | way over there where I'm coming from." |
00:55 | Tiyal, "Kehtol-al." | The other one tells him, "Okay." |
00:56 | I… macahaniya. | They set off. |
00:58 | Mahkiyewossis 'pomiyaniya, | They go on for a little way, |
01:00 | on solahki-te 'tiyal, "Nita, | and all of a sudden he says to him, "Well, |
01:03 | toqc ehta | then, so |
01:04 | akonutomuwin!" | tell me a story!" |
01:07 | "Temonu. | "Just a minute. |
01:09 | Pol nkotuwi-wtom." | I have to smoke first." |
01:11 | I… on yaq muskehlan utomakonol. | And he takes out his pipe. |
01:13 | I… nit-al yaq qeneyossit. | It was this short, they say. |
01:16 | On yaq 'pitsonosin, | And he fills it, |
01:19 | 'posqolehtoman, utoman. | he lights up, he smokes. |
01:22 | I… | he lights up, he smokes. |
01:23 | pemi-sukit 'tiyal, "Nita, | Suddenly the paddler says to him, "Hey, |
01:26 | ntolitahasihpon kotuwakonutomuwi. | I thought you were going to tell me a story. |
01:29 | Keka-te waht kpeciyapon." | We're almost there." |
01:31 | "Temonu. Pol ntahcuwi-woliya nutomakon." | "Just a minute. I have to clean my pipe." |
01:35 | I… on wihqehlan utomakonol, uliyan. | And he takes his pipe, cleans it. |
01:37 | I… 'kisi-woli-punan. | He put it away. |
01:40 | 'Tiyal, "Nita, akonutomuwin ehta!" | The other one says, "Hey, tell me the story!" |
01:41 | 'Tiyal, "Temonu, pol ehta ntahcuwi-soniq. | He says, "Wait, I have to blow my nose. |
01:45 | Ntahcuwi pol soniq." | I have to blow my nose first." |
01:47 | Muskehtun yut, | He takes out this [rag], |
01:49 | elikok yaq, | an ugly thing, they say, |
01:52 | on memhuwi-soniqin. | and blows his nose as hard as he can. |
01:53 | Yet memhuwi-soniqit, | And when he blows his nose, |
01:55 | on wakaw 'tomiqessin. | the poor thing's head flies off. |
01:56 | Ma-te kisacomiw. | He can't tell a story. |
01:59 | Nit-te psiw. | That's all. |
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