I Speak To Them In Our Language

Start Time Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English
00:01 Naka, iyey, And
00:03 I think tuciw nil I think I was nine years old
00:05 etuceyiyan nine years old when I started to work,
00:08 ntoluhk, 'sami, iya, Sutihk nit-tehc, iyey, ntahcuwyukun because Susie would hire me
00:12 naci-kospahtahsin Saturday, to wash floors on Saturdays,
00:15 naka nit-tehc nmilkun ten cents. and she would pay me ten cents.
00:19 Eli, iyey, tehpu eli-kospahtasi Just for washing the floor,
00:23 naka wisoki-wolinaqahk, and if I did a really good job,
00:24 nit-tehc apc, ihil, she would give me
00:27 nickel nmilkun. another nickel.
00:30 Nil-lu wawonol. With me it was eggs.
00:31 Wawonol? Eggs?
00:32 Aha. Yes.
00:32 U! Kwewitahat... U! Oh! Do you remember... Oh!
00:33 Uncle Benny natankuwan wawonol. I went to Uncle Benny's to sell eggs.
00:37 Elinaqsit kilun neket ducks. We used to have a lot of ducks.
00:39 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
00:40 Naka, iyey, eci wot, iya, ntatat And so my father is always doing
00:47 'tawi-amalhessit, something.
00:49 nahahte weci-peciyat from, ihik, Army, He had just come home from the Army,
00:52 on every morning and every morning
00:53 mesq natokehkimkewan, before I went to school
00:54 ntolahkuhukun. he cooked breakfast for me.
00:56 Well, nil mecimiw ma nmiciwonol Well, I never used to eat
00:59 ducks' eggs. duck eggs.
01:01 Ntiyahpon ncipokitahatomonol. I told him I couldn't stand the thought of them.
01:03 So nkisahkuhukun. So, he cooked breakfast.
01:08 Ntiyahpon, "Tat, eci yuhtol I said, "Dad, these eggs
01:09 wolihpukahk wawonol." taste really good."
01:12 Itom, "Duck eggs." He said, "Duck eggs."
01:20 Itom, "Ma-te knahtaleyiw." He said, "You're not such a picky eater."
01:22 Tahalu not, iya, Just like that hen,
01:24 remember not ehem? do you remember?
01:27 That chased you? That chased you?
01:28 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
01:30 Yali-nokalot. You were afraid of her.
01:33 Iya, elinaqsit ducks Yes, we had a lot of ducks,
01:34 naka psi-tehc 'talewotuniyal, ihil, wawonol. and they laid their eggs everywhere.
01:37 Aha. Yes.
01:38 On-oc kil knatankuwehtun. Then you would go sell them.
01:40 Natankuwehtun weci-kisonum I sold them so I
01:42 penny candy. could buy penny candy.
01:43 Kat-olu, That's right,
01:45 iya. yes.
01:47 Mecimiw, iyey, ntoluhkewa-ona, iya, And I used to work for
01:51 Auntie Frensis. Auntie Frances.
01:53 U, eci-tehc nihtol wikinom sukolisol, Oh, I would always be looking at the candy,
01:56 but tan ci yaka kisapenkuwit but I had to finish my work
01:58 nit-tehc nokka-wekihtun nmamim. before I could spend all my money.
02:03 I know it, I know it,
02:04 psi-te keq mecimiw eci-'komasawotik. back then everything was so cheap.
02:07 I know it. I know it.
02:09 Which I think, iyey, nit knicannuk Which I think is why our children
02:13 eci-ksitahatomuhtit Sipayik. love Pleasant Point so much.
02:15 Wot kete, iya, Like her,
02:18 psi-te wen koti-apaciye they want to come back
02:20 kosona wen ma koti-macehew. or they don't want to leave.
02:22 Kat-olu. That's right.
02:22 Nikki ma-te koti-macehew. Nikki doesn't want to leave.
02:24 Nama. No.
02:25 Eci-ksitahatok Sipayik. She loves Pleasant Point.
02:30 Eci-tehc, iyey, psi-te wen apaciye, They all want to come back,
02:34 'sami mecimi-te nit eci-happiwultihiq. because we are always happy there.
02:40 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
02:41 Iya. Yes.
02:42 Yukk-ona wasisok, iya, And these children,
02:44 nil nicanok, my children,
02:45 eci-ksitahatomuhtit Sipayik. also love Pleasant Point.
02:47 Naka eli-skicinuwuhtihtit. And because they are native people.
02:49 Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm,
02:49 psi-te wen macehe, on apc... everyone leaves and then...
02:52 Psi-te wen macehe... They all leave...
02:53 ...wen 'tapaciyan. ...they come back.
02:53 ...apc wen 'tapaciyan. ...then they come back again.
02:54 Iya. Yes.
02:55 'Sami I think Because I think
02:56 kwewitahatomonen eci, iyey, we remember
02:59 eci-wolomolsultihiq tan ci nit wen ihit. how good we felt to be here.
03:02 Iya, weckuwi-macekultihiq. Yes, when we were growing up.
03:04 - Weckuwi-macekultihiq, iya. Yes, when we were growing up.
03:08 Ma-te tokec wen nonuwaw, Now I don't know anyone,
03:09 elinaqsit. there are so many people here.
03:10 Nil-ona ma-te wen nonuwaw. I don't know anyone either.
03:11 Sameluk, ma-te nonuwawiyik There are so many,
03:12 wasisok tokec. I don't know the children now.
03:13 Kiluwaw kenuk knonuwawak But you know people
03:15 'sami, iyey, kiluwaw kwikiniya. here because you live here.
03:16 Naka nit nil sipkiw ntotoluhkan; And I was working here for a long time,
03:17 ma-te nonuwawiyik wasisok. but I don't know the children.
03:19 Kat-olu. That's right.
03:20 Eci-kil sipkoluhkiyin. You worked here for a long time.
03:21 Sipkoluhki at the Health Center. I worked for a long time at the Health Center,
03:23 Ma-te nonuwawiyik wasisok and I don't know the young children,
03:25 pilikulticik. Ma nonuwawiyik. the new ones. I don't know them.
03:28 Nil-ona kotama. No, I don't either.
03:31 Ntahcuwihc-otehc wen qecimula. I always have to ask someone.
03:33 Iya, wen nihtol nicanol? Yes, who's child is that?
03:33 Tama 'tapeksu, aha. Who her relatives are, yes.
03:35 Nit-tehc ktoqecimulan wasisok. Then you ask the children.
03:37 Ntiyahpon wot pesq, "Tama kutapeks?" I asked this one child, "Who are your relatives?"
03:41 You know, tehpu ntolapomoq. You know, she just looked at me.
03:42 Iya. Yes.
03:43 Ma nostaku. She didn't understand me.
03:44 Ma-te wen skicinuwatuwew anymore. No one speaks our language anymore.
03:46 Ma-te wen skicinuwatuwew. They don't speak our language.
03:47 Nama. No.
03:48 Nit weci-wolessik eli kilun knicansisok... That's why it's good for our children...
03:50 Kat-olu. That's right.
03:51 ...etoli, iyey... ...to be...
03:52 ...etolokehkimut. ...taught.
03:53 Kat-olu. That's right.
03:53 Iya. Yes.
03:55 Well, nil-ona ma nkisokehkimawiyik Well, I didn't teach my children
03:56 nicanok uskicinuwatuwahtiniya. to speak our language, either.
03:59 Nil-ona kotama. I didn't either.
04:00 Weckuwi-macekultihtit 'sami poliw nwik. Because when they were growing up, I lived away.
04:03 Iya. Yes.
04:03 Naka, iyey, ikolisoman ntulomenim. And my husband is a white man.
04:07 So tehpukc ntikolisomanatu. So, all we spoke was English.
04:09 Iya. Yes.
04:11 So tehpukc ntikolisomanatu. And now children tell me,
04:13 "Keq mehsi skat kehkimiwon?" "Why didn't you teach me?"
04:15 So totolokehkimsultuwok. So, they are teaching themselves now.
04:17 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
04:19 Tokec tan ci Now when I
04:20 lewestuwamuk Tepit, talk to David,
04:22 nit-tehc nuskicinuwi-kolulan. I will speak in Passamaquoddy.
04:25 Tan ci, iyey, answering machine sakhiyak, When his answering machine comes on,
04:28 nit-tehc-ona nuskicinuwatuwan, I speak in Passamaquoddy,
04:30 "Tama kil ktiyalokitti? "Where in heck are you?
04:32 Pihce ktali-kiluwuhulon." I've been looking for you for a long time."
04:36 Wasisok tokec. Children nowadays.
04:38 Kenuk, I think, yuktok ktutemonuk wicuhketomoniya, But I think these white friends of ours
04:44 etoli-koti-ksihkahak are helping our language
04:47 ktolatuwewakonon. that is being lost.
04:48 Ma tahk nil nkisokitomuwon. But I can't read it.
04:50 Nil-ona kotama. I can't either.
04:51 Nil ma nkisokitomuwon; I don't know how to read it;
04:52 tehpu nihtawi-skicinuwatu. I just know how to speak it.
04:54 - Tehpu nihtawi-skicinuwatu. - I just know how to speak it.
04:55 Qenuk, well, But, well,
04:56 nil-ona ma ntokehkimawon wasisok, I didn't teach my children either,
04:57 but every now and then but every now and then
04:59 yut eyultihtit-oc, iyey, I will speak to the ones
05:01 ntiyak,nuskicinuwi-kolulak. who are here in our language.
05:04 Nuskicinuwi-kolulak, nit-te-na nil. I speak to them in our language, too.
05:06 Nuskicinuwi-kolulak. I speak to them in our language.
05:08 Nil-te-na nican. I do that with my child.
05:09 Iya. Yes.
05:10 Naka tan ci wen asitemit naka And when they answer me
05:13 ntolewestuwamkun, skicinuwi-kolulkun, in our language,
05:15 eci-tehc woltaqahk. it sounds really good to me.
05:16 Kat-olu. That's right.
05:16 Woltaqot, kat-olu. It sounds good; that's right.
05:20 Nit-ona nil qecimulit nican keq mehsi-skat, iyey, My child asked me why I didn't...
05:24 nit mecimi, iyey, elokehkimit. the way I had been taught.
05:27 Ma-te. I didn't.
05:28 Kat-olu, ma-te wen 'topitahatomuwon. That's right; we didn't think about it then.
05:30 Ma-te wen 'topitahatomuwon We didn't think about it
05:31 'sami tama piluwey. because we didn't live here.
05:32 Tama piluwey kwik, kat-olu. You lived somewhere else; that's right.
05:35 Nit-te... Well, Well,
05:36 nil kahk-te, iyey, Well,
05:37 ma nunitahasiwon, you don't forget,
05:38 'sami ma wen 'kisi-wonitahasiwon. because you can't forget it.
05:42 Kenuk, iyey, anqoc... But then sometimes...
05:44 Kancoqi-skicinuwey wen elewestaq, When someone speaks the old Passamaquoddy,
05:46 ma-te nutomuwon. I don't understand it.
05:47 Ntama. No.
05:48 Puskoci-skicinuwey Harvey was the only one
05:49 Harvey tehpu kecicihtaq. who knew the old Passamaquoddy.
05:51 Kat-olu. That's right.
05:51 Nil tehpu kecicihtu everyday stuff tokec. Now I just know the everyday stuff.
05:53 Kat-olu. That's right.
05:54 Elewestuhtihiq. The way we talk.
05:55 Iya, iya. Yes, yes.
05:57 Mecimiw, iyey, ntotolakonutomakunen. He used to tell us stories.
06:01 Kwewitahama, iya, Noel Socoby? Do you remember Noel Socoby?
06:04 Aha. Yes.
06:05 On-oc ntakonutomakunen He would tell us stories
06:07 nilun wasisok, iyey, pittokil, ihil, latuwe... using these long ...
06:16 Latuwewakonol. Words.
06:17 - Latuwewakonol. - Words.
06:19 Itom, iyey, "Kocicihtun tan He said, "Do you know
06:21 'toliwihtomon wen, iyey, rice?" how to say 'rice'?"
06:24 Ntiyahpon, "On kal." I said, "I don't know."
06:26 Itom, "Aptinomuhtineweyal." He said it was aptinomuhtineweyal.
06:28 Ntiyahpon, "Cokahk, qentokahk nit!" I said, "Wow, that's a long word!"
06:34 Itom naka, iyey, keqsey cel piluwey. Then he told us some other word.
06:37 Apc nkisakonutomakun. Then he told us stories.
06:38 But mecimi-te nit nwewitahatomon, But I always remember the long word
06:40 aptinomuhtineweyal. for rice.
06:41 Iya. Yes.
06:42 Nit eliwihtasik nihtol. That is the word for it.


Capture Date 2010-11-23
Video Length 06:47
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