My Granddaughter Margaret
Start Time | Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey | English |
00:01 | Kenuk tahaluhp, iya, | But for example |
00:10 | Ntahtoli-tpinaq naka | She always watched me |
00:12 | ntahtoli-mili-qecimulkun tayuwek-oc | and kept asking me |
00:15 | nit nekom kisi-olluhkan, tahaluhp | when she could do it, |
00:17 | etoli-koti-suksahkuhusit. | like when would she be cooking. |
00:21 | Ntiyahpon, | I said to her, "You have to be |
00:23 | "Ktahcuwi kekesk ktaqamikoton, | a little bit older, because |
00:26 | 'sami yut 'sanaqot papskot." | this stove is dangerous." |
00:30 | On yut-te piliw elomi-nutahay, | And just recently, when I go out, |
00:32 | elomi-koti-naci-suksahqewuk, | when I'm going to go cook for her, |
00:36 | kis cel nekom naka | she and my husband |
00:38 | ntulomenim etoli-suksahqahtit. | are already cooking. |
00:40 | Ntulomenim 'kiseltomuwan | My husband lets her cook. |
00:42 | 'suksahqan. Kenuk nit-te nit 'tihin, | But there she is, |
00:45 | eci-kciqahawit. | she's such an expert. |
00:46 | Naka nit wikuwaculkun. | And she enjoys it. |
00:47 | Wikuwaculkun, iya. | She enjoys it, yes. |
00:51 | Naka kihkanok | And in the garden, |
00:52 | nit-tehc ntahtoli-mili-qecimulkun, | she keeps asking me, |
00:54 | "Keq yut npunomon? | "What do I put here? |
00:55 | Tayuwek koti-kihkepon?" | When are we going to plant?" |
00:57 | Apc 'koti-kihkatomon sqocol, | She wants to plant squash again, |
01:00 | 'sami 'koti-miluwanol yaq. | because she's going to give them away. |
01:04 | Wikuwaculkun nit. | She likes that. |
01:05 | On yat kotok nqenoss, | And that other grandchild of mine, |
01:06 | not kahk, i... ma-te 'kiyewiwon. | she doesn't care about it. |
01:08 | Nekom kahk 'payosihkolumol, | She has her bicycle, |
01:09 | nit-tehc 'tolomi-kakawiyan tama. | and she's rushing off somewhere. |
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