No One Swore

Start Time Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English
00:01 Ma wen nipskatuwew. You don't swear.
00:02 No, nama. No, no.
00:03 Naka ma wen lewestu on Good Friday. And you don't talk on Good Friday.
00:06 Nama. No.
00:06 Ma wen lewestu. No one talks.
00:07 Naka wen 'cuwi-sikoluhkan. And you had to work hard.
00:09 Aha, sikoluhke nakahc... Yes, you worked hard and you...
00:10 Jane: "Nkotuwi-cipiyatqihtaha wasis." Jane: "I'm going to whip this child in the sign of the cross."
00:14 Cu. Mecimi Carol weckuwi-macekit. Yes, that's what I did. When Carol was growing up.
00:16 Good Friday, Good Friday,
00:17 "Ktahcuwi-cipiyatqihtuhul, 'sami iyey... " I told her, "I have to whip you in the sign of the cross, because... "
00:19 Wahtalokittiyessuwa. She was out of sight in a flash!
00:21 Good Friday. Good Friday.
00:22 Yut oloqiw, yut oloqiw ipisiyil. This way and this way with switches.
00:23 That's it. That's it.
00:25 Aha, 'pisun yut. Yes, that was medicine.
00:28 Nit-te-na nil nmihqitahasin, mecimiw, iyey, I remember, too,
00:30 knacihptuhtinen, iyey, 'samaqan, that we would get water
00:32 tama sipuhsisok. from some brook.
00:34 Iya, aha. Yes, yes.
00:35 Kwewitahatomon Melvin api-macahat, Do you remember when Melvin had been away
00:38 on ’totoli-copuhtesuwin? and he was clowning around?
00:41 Etolimiyahtihiq, tehpu, iya, We were praying,
00:44 Muhmum qeni, iyey, and Grampy just
00:46 'pihtin tett oloqehtaq... raised his hand like that
00:47 cel "Costaqs! Ktotolimiyahtipon." and said, "Keep quiet! We are praying."
00:51 Kil-ona ktininess? Kil-lu tan? Were you there? How about you?
00:52 Nama. No.
00:53 Ma nwewitahatomuwon. I don't remember that.
00:54 Ma nwewitahatomuwon. I don't remember that.
00:56 I think tehpu nilun -- I think it was just us --
00:57 Harvey, Melvin naka nila. Harvey, Melvin and I.
00:58 Cipotu. Maybe.
00:59 Sipuhsisok apiptuwek, iyey, We went to the brook
01:02 'samaqan weci-kisi, iyey, pahtoliyas... to get water so the priest could...
01:05 ... kispekehtaq. ... use it for blessing.
01:06 Kispekehtaq, iya. For blessing, yes.


Capture Date 2010-09-03
Video Length 01:08
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