Now I Love Coming Here So Much

Start Time Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English
00:04 Ipa, on toke eci yut wikuwaci-peciyay. Hey, and now I love coming here so much.
00:08 Eci-woli-ciktek. It's so nice and quiet.
00:09 Naka psi-te keq, you know... And everything, you know...
00:10 Kehsi yut ihhi qeni-maceki. I was here so much when I was growing up.
00:14 Amsqahs peciyay, eci musqitahatom, The first time I came, I hated it,
00:16 'sami eli skat wen nonuwuhk on... because I didn't know anyone and...
00:17 Kenuk toke eci iyey eci-te wikuwaci-peciyay. But now, I really love coming here.
00:21 Mm-hmm, Mm-hmm,
00:23 iya. yes.
00:24 Wolinaqot yaqa, woli-cikte. It's pretty here, that's why, nice and quiet.
00:27 Woli-cikte yut. It's nice and quiet here.


Capture Date 2010-11-15
Video Length 00:31
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