Star People
Start Time | Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey | English |
00:02 | Yut ehta nil welaqik weckuhqepi. | This is where I was sitting last night. |
00:06 | 'Qotuhkayiw? | All by yourself? |
00:08 | Nil tehpu, npeciptunol nisonul qotoputiyil. | Just me. I brought two chairs. |
00:10 | Ntolitahasihpon wen peciyat, | I thought that if someone else |
00:11 | apc-oc wen 'kisqepin. U. | came along they could sit down. |
00:14 | Ntapi-kotuhmahsuwewa Kuhkomosson. | I came to drum for Our Grandmother. |
00:16 | Pihce ntehqi-wikuwamkoman | It's been a long time since I |
00:17 | Kuhkomosson, on welaqik | visited Our Grandmother, and |
00:20 | ansa-te eliwihtasik nituwin | last night it seemed as if |
00:22 | npeciyan naka nwikuwamkoman, iya. | I needed to come and visit her. |
00:26 | Etucintuwewuk | I sang for her a lot, |
00:28 | naka ntahtolewestuwaman. | and I kept speaking to her. |
00:30 | 'Qotuhkayiw? | Just yourself? |
00:31 | 'Qotuhkayiw. | Just me, mm-hmm. |
00:33 | Eci-wolinaqsit nit ellahsit ihik 'samaqanok. | The water was shining so beautifully. |
00:37 | U. Iya, naka nkisi-psqolenomon lipkotenomakon. | Yes, and I lit a smudge. |
00:41 | Psi-te yet lamiw ntapi-lipkotenomon ponapsq | I smudged all inside the rock |
00:44 | eli-psikapskiyak, | where it is split, and |
00:46 | naka nwiwonuhsan apc tett oloqiw. | I walked around it that way. |
00:49 | Naka nkisewestuwaman | And I spoke to the rocks |
00:50 | ponapskul naka, iyey, | and I said, |
00:53 | ntiyan, "Nmoskeyin | "I am sorry that I haven't |
00:55 | eli pihce ehqi-peciyay naka knacintuwewoloniya." | come for so long and sung to you." |
01:00 | 'Sami mecimi-te | Because I always used to come |
01:02 | yut npeciyahpon anqoc seski-wespasahkiwik | very early in the morning, |
01:07 | naka nacintuwewan. | and sing to them. |
01:09 | Aha, | Yes, |
01:11 | naka 'samaqan. | and to the water. |
01:14 | Ma-te niktok knomiyawiyik yekk | You didn't see those... |
01:17 | tahaluhp... nikk neke nomiyukot | those things we saw when we |
01:22 | neket ehta peciyayek? | came that time? |
01:26 | Knomiyak niktok | You saw those -- |
01:27 | keq-al possessomi... | what do you call them? -- star... |
01:29 | Possesomuhsisok. | Little stars. |
01:30 | Possesomuhsisok. Ma-te knomiyawiyik? | Little stars. You didn't see them? |
01:33 | Cu. | Yes, I did. |
01:33 | Cu? | You did? |
01:36 | Possesomuwinuwok. | Star-people. |
01:37 | Mecimi-te nikk knomiyak? | Do you always see them? |
01:38 | Mecimi-te nomiyak yut peciyay. Tan-ote ellaqik. | I always see them when I come, whatever the night is like. |
01:43 | Iya. | Yes. |
01:45 | Keq ktoliwiyak? | What do you call them? |
01:46 | Possesomuwinuwok. | Star-people. |
01:47 | - Possesomuwinuwok. | - Star-people. |
01:49 | Possesomuwinuwok. | Star-people. |
01:50 | Aha. | Yes. |
01:51 | Knomiyan niktok neke kilun. | You and I saw them that time. |
01:52 | Aha, iya. | Yes, yeah. |
01:54 | Eci-wolinaqsihtit naka elinaqsihtit. | They are so beautiful, and there are so many of them. |
01:57 | Elinaqsit. | There are a lot of them. |
01:58 | Possahtuwessuwok? | Do they sparkle? |
01:59 | Etutahtuwessihtit, uhkomi. | Oh yes! They really sparkled, Grammy. |
02:01 | Qin-ote? | Really? |
02:02 | Cel, iyey, yet oloqiw | And over that way |
02:04 | nit al-ote tutalokot. | there's a deep hole. |
02:06 | Nit etuttek nit 'samaqan | That's where the water is. |
02:09 | Tehpu qeni-monehluk nmaksonok | I just take off my shoes |
02:10 | naka npisikonawin. | and wade into the water. |
02:12 | Nit-te oli-kolomuhtuwok nqatihkuk. | They come and cling to my legs. |
02:15 | Naka nwihkutomuwan | Gee! |
02:16 | kikehtahsuwakon eli-'tomeyuwit nkatol. | And I ask them for healing for the pain in my legs. |
02:21 | Eci-tehc wolomotom nkatol. | My legs feel so good. |
02:24 | Naka anqoc-ote-na, iyey, nwihqonak. | And sometimes I pick them up. |
02:27 | Nit-tehc etolahtuwessihtit npihtinok, | Then they are sparkling in my hand, |
02:30 | naka ntiyan, iyey, | and I tell them, |
02:33 | "Eci-wolinaqsuhtiyeq, possesomuwinuwok. | "You are so beautiful, star people. |
02:37 | Kpeci-wikuwamkomolopa. | I'm coming to visit you. |
02:39 | Kpeci-kotuwapemolopa | I am going to rely on you |
02:41 | eci-ksinuhki nkatol. | to help the pain in my legs. |
02:43 | Kiluwaw cu kisi- | I'm certain that you can make |
02:44 | kisehtuniya nkatol nulomotomon, | my legs feel better, |
02:46 | kikehtahsuwakon." | with your healing power." |
02:50 | On-oc anqoc ckuwi-pisiye | And then sometimes someone |
02:52 | wen utapakon. | will drive up in their car. |
02:53 | Nit-tehc ntiya, | Then I say to them, |
02:55 | "Kamot-te kwesuwe-punolon 'samaqanok, 'sami ma, iyey, | "I'd better put you back in the water, |
02:56 | npawatomuwon wen piluwey kutomeyakun, | because I don't want anyone else |
03:00 | skat wolamsotomuhtiht | to bother you who doesn't believe in |
03:02 | possesomuwinuwey." | the star people." |
03:04 | Aha. | Yes, |
03:05 | Nit-tehc-ona nwesuwe-punan 'samaqanok. | then I put them back in the water. |
03:07 | Nit-tehc oli-sissessuwok. | Then they depart in all directions. |
03:13 | Tahalu-te itomanpon, | As I said, not so long ago |
03:14 | meste yut pihce ntehqi-peciyan yut, | I had stopped coming here, |
03:16 | naka pihce nteqapektuhusin | and I hadn't played my |
03:19 | na npokuhulakonum. | drum for a long time. |
03:21 | 'Sami, iyey, nkisi-ksihkaha, | Because I was lost, |
03:25 | cu-al-lu nkisi-ksihkaha. | I must have gotten lost. |
03:26 | Ma-te keq nkoti-olluhkew. | I wasn't going to do anything. |
03:28 | Kenuk ntotoli-qeci-apaci. | But I'm trying to come back. |
03:32 | Nit kete welaqik | Like last night, |
03:34 | etoli-tuwapi, ntolitahasin, | when I was looking into the water, I thought, poor things, |
03:36 | likew, mesq-ote nil ntoliyawon | I haven't been to Split Rock |
03:38 | Pessikapskiyak askomot-al tayuwe. | for I don't know how long. |
03:40 | Tehpu yut npeciyan naka | I just came here |
03:42 | natewestuwaman yuktok, | and went to talk to them, |
03:44 | naka, iyey,ntolintuwewan. | and I sang to them. |
03:50 | Nmace-apaciyamkun, | And it’s starting to come back to me, |
03:53 | ’sami nkoskaha. | because I was lost, |
03:56 | Iya. | yes. |
03:57 | "Ma-te nit li-minuwiw, iyey, | "That doesn’t mean that |
03:59 | ma koti-wiciyewtomuluwon kil | I’m not going to be part of |
04:01 | elluhkewinuwiyin, | what you are doing, |
04:03 | palitahasuwi etoli-olluhkiyin, tus. | so proudly, my daughter. |
04:06 | Nit-te ktahtoli-wolluhkan." | Keep doing good work." |
04:08 | "Aha. Woliwon." | "Yes. Thank you." |
04:09 | Mace-te-na apaciyetul | They’re starting to come back, |
04:12 | nihtol elomolsiyanpon mecimiw yut | the feelings I had when |
04:15 | etoli-peciyay. | I was coming here. |
04:16 | Kulitahasuwewol, Grace. | I’m happy for you, Grace. |
04:18 | Kci-woliwon. Nil-ona. | Thank you so much. Me, too. |
04:19 | Naka, iyey, npeci-wihkutomuwan | And each time I come here, |
04:22 | Kihci-Niwskumon ehtahs yut npeci, | I ask the Great Spirit, |
04:24 | naka nwihkutomuwan ntokehkimkun naka nostuhmakun | And I ask Him to teach me and tell me how |
04:28 | tan nekom ’toli-puwatomon tan ntolokehkiman wasisok. | He wants me to teach the children. |
04:32 | Nit-oc elluhki, iya. | That is what I will do, yes. |
04:39 | Kcitpot, wisoki-kcitopot yut ponapsq. | It’s sacred. This rock is very sacred. |
04:44 | Peskuhuk itomuk, | Some people say |
04:45 | ma-te kcitpotuwiw, kenuk-olu | that it isn’t sacred, |
04:48 | kcitpot. | but it is. |
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