00:02 |
Ma-te wen knituwiwonewin, |
We didn't need anyone else, |
00:03 |
elinaqsihiq. |
there were so many of us. |
00:05 |
Nit cel-ote itok neke. |
That's what he said back then, |
00:06 |
Itom, "Ma-te wen knituwiwon." |
"You don't need anyone." |
00:08 |
Nama. |
No. |
00:09 |
"Kusamelupa." |
"There are too many of you." |
00:11 |
Kwiwonasehlan-otehp Mamam. |
We would drive Mom crazy. |
00:15 |
Kosona Kuhki. |
Or Grammy. |
00:16 |
Kis kehsihiq... kosona Kuhki. |
There were so many of us... or Grammy. |
00:17 |
Aha. |
Yes. |
00:18 |
Nakahc matoliqehtahan, iyey, |
and she would spank the other kids |
00:20 |
eci-sakhapasihtit kotokik wasisok... |
whenever they came over... |
00:23 |
ipisiyil. |
with switches. |
00:24 |
Psi-te wen nokalal. |
They were all afraid of her. |
00:26 |
Tiyenawol neke kisi-matoliqehtahal, ihik, 'qatihkuk Tiyenawol. |
She used them on Deanna's legs. |
00:29 |
Aha, ipisiyil. |
Yes, switches. |
00:31 |
Itom Tiyena, "Tehpu nil npeci-natay." |
Deanna said, "I just came here to play." |
00:33 |
Nit-te-na nkapoliqehtuhuken. |
Then I got a whipping, too. |
00:37 |
Kat-olu, iya. |
Yes, that's right. |
00:40 |
So, eci nil mace-kehkimki Muselenk, |
So, when I started going to school in Eastport, |
00:43 |
eci-siktehpayi. |
I got really scared. |
00:45 |
Nkisatpemkun, iya, Muhmum. |
Grampy talked to me. |
00:48 |
Mecimi-te keq itok, nciksotuwa. |
I always listened to what he told me. |
00:50 |
Itom, iyey, |
He said, |
00:52 |
"Tan ci kil natokehkimkiyin," |
"When you go to school," |
00:54 |
itom, "ma kil, iyey, |
he said, "no one is worth more than you, |
01:00 |
ma-te wen aqami-koluwosiw katok kila. |
and you are not worth |
01:04 |
Kil-ona ma ktaqami-koluwosiw naka notta." |
more than anyone." |
01:07 |
Itom, "Psi-te wen, iyey, pesqon-ote eli-kapuwit." |
He said, "Everyone is the same." |
01:12 |
Mecimi-te nit 'titomon. |
He always said that. |
01:14 |
- Mecimi-te nit 'titomon. |
- He always said that. |
01:16 |
Itom, "Mus palitahamsihkoc." |
He said, "Don't be too proud. |
01:21 |
Itom, "Psi-te wen ktolewestuwaman." |
He said, "Talk to everyone." |
01:23 |
Itom, "Naka kwinpasin, |
He said, "And try hard in school, |
01:25 |
'sami kil ktahcuwi-natokehkimk." |
because you have to go." |
01:30 |
Ntiyahpon, iyey, "U, eci-ehta siktehpayi. |
I told him how scared I was |
01:31 |
Ma-te nikk wenik nonuwawiyik." |
that I didn't know anyone there. |
01:34 |
Ntiyahpon, "Naka nikk, iyey, eci, iyey, |
And I told him, |
01:36 |
ikolisomanatuwahtihtit." |
"They all speak English." |
01:40 |
Coqahk-al ikolisomanok! |
Of course, they are white people! |
01:44 |
Ntiyahpon... |
I told him... |
01:45 |
Eci-wapeyihtit. |
They are so pale. |
01:47 |
Naka ma kiseltomakuwon, |
And they wouldn't let you |
01:49 |
kuskicinuwatuwan, nit wen eliyat. |
speak Passamaquoddy, when you went there. |
01:52 |
No, nil kahk-ote ma-te... |
No, it was not like that |
01:54 |
you know, nit etolewestuhtihtit. |
when I was growing up. |
01:56 |
Ma-te nil weckuwi-maceki, |
No one ever told me |
01:58 |
wen ntiyuku, "Ma kisi-skicinuwatuwew." |
I could not speak my language. |
02:00 |
Ma-te nit nil, iyey, |
It wasn't like that |
02:04 |
leyiw nil weckuwi-maceki. Now... |
when I was growing up. Now... |
02:07 |
Tokec, nil... Neke kilun... |
Now, I... Then, we... |
02:11 |
Kat-olu, iya. |
That's right. |
02:12 |
Well, nil ma-te nit mecimi-te. |
Well, it wasn't like that for me. |
02:15 |
So mace-kehkimi psi-te keqsey |
So when I started school, |
02:19 |
nkisi-signupuwin. |
I signed up for everything. |
02:21 |
Naka |
And |
02:22 |
yuktok pilsqehsisok Sipayik itomuk, |
these girls from Sipayik said, |
02:25 |
"Kat-op kisessiw, |
"It won't work, |
02:26 |
'sami kat-op wihqonawiwal, ihil, |
because they won't take |
02:28 |
skicinuwi-ehpilcil." |
a native woman." |
02:30 |
Well, psi-te keq eqecehtu, |
Well, everything I wanted to try |
02:32 |
psi-te kisessu. |
did work. |
02:35 |
Mecimi-te, iyey, eci nil ma nkoccitomitahamsiw, |
I was never too proud, |
02:41 |
kenuk ntolitahas tan tehpu keqsey |
but I always thought that |
02:43 |
keti-qeci-olluhki nkisehtun. |
I could do anything that I tried. |
02:46 |
So I think nit wicuhkemit. |
So I think that was what helped me. |
02:49 |
Mm-hmm. |
Mm-hmm. |
02:50 |
And weci-wicuhkemit, |
And the other thing that helped me |
02:52 |
'sami, iya, mecimi-te kmuhsumson |
was the way Grampy |
02:56 |
eci, iyey, stiti-te ktotolatpemkun. |
constantly talked to us. |
03:00 |
Iya. |
Yes. |
03:01 |
Naka kcuwi-nacihpultinen, ihik... |
And we had to eat at the cafeteria, he would say, |
03:03 |
"Mus, iyey, mus wihqnomuhkoc man. |
"Don't take any money from anyone. |
03:08 |
Nil-oc kmillon." |
I'll give it to you." |
03:10 |
Kat-olu every day-ote, iyey... |
Yes, he would do that every day. |
03:12 |
"Mus naciptuhkoc eli, iyey, elihpiyin." |
"Don't take your lunch." |
03:14 |
"Mus naci-'tutomahkoc." |
"Don't ask for anything." |
03:16 |
"Iya, nil-oc kmillon elihpiyin." |
"I'll pay for your meal." |
03:17 |
Itom, "Skat, iyey, skat kisi, iyey..." |
He said, "If you can't..." |
03:21 |
Mecimiw nit ntiyukun, |
He always told me, |
03:28 |
"Skat kisoluhkewon naka, iyey, nit kmosonomon, |
"If you don't earn what you get, |
03:32 |
ma keq oli-kolowotu. |
it doesn't count. |
03:33 |
Mecimi-te ktahcuwi kil-ote wicuhkems. |
You always have to help yourself. |
03:39 |
Mus wen piluwey |
Don't ask anyone else |
03:40 |
qecimulahkoc kwicuhkemkun." |
to help you out." |
03:43 |
Nit-te weckuwi-macekultihiq, nit-te. |
That's how we grew up. |
03:46 |
Naka keq pawatomon... |
And if you want something... |
03:47 |
Aha. |
Yes. |
03:48 |
... natoluhk, knaciptun. |
...go to work to get it. |
03:49 |
Ktahcuwi-natoluhk. |
You have to go work. |
03:49 |
Mm-hmm. |
Mm-hmm. |
03:50 |
Cika-te cuwi, iyey, |
Even if you |
03:53 |
naci-sapolohikiyin. |
have to do shoveling. |
03:55 |
Nitok. |
That's true. |
03:55 |
Itom, "Tan-ote eci-sikeyik |
He said, "No matter how hard it is, |
03:58 |
ktahcuwi-luhk weci, iyey, |
you have to work |
04:02 |
psonomon keq eli-puwatomon." |
to get what you want." |
04:04 |
Tepot tokec keka nsikteluhk. |
So now I’ve almost worked myself to the bone. |
04:07 |
Nitok. |
That’s true. |
04:09 |
Ma-te kisi-ehqoluhkew. |
You can’t stop working. |
04:10 |
- Ma-te nkisi-ehqoluhkew, |
I listened so well |
04:12 |
eci-woli-ciksotuwuk. |
that I can’t stop working. |
04:13 |
Eci-woli-ciksotomon, iya. |
You listened very well, yes. |
04:16 |
Ma-te nkisi-conessiw. |
I can’t stop working. |
04:17 |
Nit-te conessiyan kekesk… |
If I let up a little… |
04:18 |
Kusami-koti-wolaws. |
You want to live too well. |
04:19 |
- Kusami-koti-wolaws. |
- You want to live too well. |
04:22 |
Elomoluhki-te elomi-te ktomakeyi. |
The more I work, the poorer I get. |
04:26 |
Nit-te eleyik. |
That is so true. |
04:27 |
- Nit-te eleyik. |
- That is so true. |
04:27 |
Mm-hmm. |
Mm-hmm. |
04:28 |
Kat-olu tehpu ntotoli-pisuwoluhk, iya. |
I’m just working for nothing. |
04:32 |
Well ma kil kisi, iyey conessiw anyway. |
Well you can’t stop working, anyway. |
04:34 |
Ma nkisi-conessiw. |
I can’t stop. |
04:35 |
Ma kisi-sankewopiw. |
She can’t sit still. |
04:36 |
Eci-woli-ciksotuwukot. |
We really listened to him. |
04:38 |
Muhmum stiti-te luhke. |
Grampy always worked. |
04:40 |
Kat-olu, mecimi-te. |
That’s right, always. |
04:42 |
Knituwin nit. |
You need that. |
04:43 |
Kat-olu, kat-olu. |
That’s right, yes. |