When We Spent the Night Here
Start Time | Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey | English |
00:02 | Nit-te nmihqitahatomon | I just remembered when |
00:02 | yut api-ktoqonultiyeq. | we spent the night here. |
00:03 | U, akonutomuwine! | Oh, tell us about it! |
00:06 | Eci wikuwacalokittiyeyik! | It was so much fun! |
00:11 | On, iyey, npeciptunen pokuhulakonol | And we brought the drums |
00:14 | naka nihtol oltestakonol. | and rattles. |
00:17 | Npeciptunen. | We brought them with us. |
00:19 | On ntolintultinen tomk, | And we sang first, |
00:21 | ntolintultinen tett oloqiw, | we sang that way, |
00:23 | cipenuhk. | toward the east. |
00:25 | U, cel-ona | Oh, and also Our Grandmother, |
00:27 | psonakisu Kuhkomosson... | the moon, was full... |
00:28 | U ya, psonakisu neke. | Oh yes, she was full that time. |
00:29 | Eci-wolinaqsit. | She looked so beautiful. |
00:30 | Eci wolalokittiyenaqsit Kuhkomosson, | Our Grandmother looked so beautiful, |
00:33 | gees. | gees. |
00:35 | Oh my God! | Oh my God! |
00:37 | Yet sakhi-wonakiyat, | She rose over there, |
00:38 | eltutalokittiyapskosit Kuhkomosson. | so big and round, Our Grandmother. |
00:42 | On ntolintuwewanen. | And we sang to her, |
00:44 | Nilun Tiyena, Gracie naka Barbara. | Deanna and I, Gracie and Barbara. |
00:46 | Barbara, ya. | Barbara, yes. |
00:49 | Etucintultiyek. | We sang with all our hearts. |
00:51 | Apc-oc yut oloqiw, | Then we'd sing this way, |
00:54 | sawonehsonuk, | toward the south, |
00:55 | skiyahsonuk, naka apc oloqiw lahtoqehsonuk. | the west, and then to the north. |
01:00 | On ehta nit, yut oloqiw etolintultiyek. | And then we were singing over in this direction. |
01:04 | Kis neke metsiw, init? | It was late by then, wasn't it? |
01:05 | Kis, aha. Kis cel eci... psoni-piskiye. | Yes, it was. It was already fully dark. |
01:09 | Elalokittiyehtaqahk keq | There was an unusual sound |
01:11 | weckuyewik tett oloqiw. | coming from over that way. |
01:13 | Waht oloqiw. | Way over there. |
01:14 | I -- ciptaqot. | Right? Eee -- it was eerie sounding. |
01:17 | Elalokittiyehkihqahk. | It was a tremendous sound. |
01:19 | Cel nil neke kis nkisossin. | I was already in bed by then. |
01:21 | Cel kis kil kisalokittiyehsin, neke. | You were already in that darn bed, that time. |
01:28 | Eltaqahk keq? | What was making that sound? |
01:29 | Elalokittiyehtaqahk olonahqewey. | Something iron, making a terrible racket. |
01:35 | Kat-olu nit, iyey, keq liwihtasuwiw? | You know that, what's it called? |
01:38 | Ferry? | Ferry? |
01:39 | Uh-huh. | Uh-huh. |
01:40 | Kat-olu kci-oqiton, | You know, "great canoe," |
01:43 | I guess-op 'toliwihtomoniya. | I guess, is what they would call it. |
01:45 | Kci-oqiton, olonahqey. | A great steel canoe. |
01:46 | U gees, elalokittiyehtaqahk! | Oh, gees, it was so darn loud! |
01:50 | On yaka nkosicihtunen | And then we knew |
01:51 | keq yet oloqiw kisi... | what it was over there... |
01:53 | yut oloqiw kisi-tuciyat yat buoy epit. | as it came over this way past the buoy. |
01:56 | Etutalokittiye... | It was so completely dark, |
01:57 | psonalokittiyepiskiye-te nit, | and it made such a loud noise |
02:00 | naka eltaqahk weckuwyewik. | as it approached. |
02:01 | Holy! | Holy! |
02:02 | Naka kis, "Too late girls!" | And -- "It's too late girls!" |
02:04 | Ya, u ya, psonpehe. | Yes, oh yes, the tide was in. |
02:07 | Kis psonpehe. | It was high tide by then. |
02:08 | Espiyak yut 'samaqan! | The water was so high here! |
02:10 | 'Sami Kuhkmosson | Because Our Grandmother |
02:12 | eli-psonakisit... | being full, |
02:13 | on, on ewepiyewiw 'samaqan... | the water rose... |
02:15 | ...naka cestehp... | ...and it was as if... |
02:16 | ...wahkat-te nkisuhsawolotipon... | ...we could barely walk... |
02:17 | ...cestehp yut macessik, | ...as if it moved, |
02:18 | macessik ktahkomiq. | as if the earth here moved. |
02:21 | Cel wahkac nkisuhsawolotipon, init? | And we could barely walk, right? |
02:23 | U gee! | Oh, gee! |
02:25 | Apc ntolintultinen. | We sang again. |
02:26 | Kamotu yet, yet oloqiw elapultiyek, | All of a sudden we looked over there, |
02:28 | waht oloqiw okamok, ihik... | way over to the Canadian side... |
02:31 | Etuci-pitiyahtuwek nit | Whatever was heading our way |
02:32 | keq weckuwyewik. | was so bright. |
02:33 | Ntasihpon-al not olonahqi-sips. | I thought it was an airplane. |
02:35 | Etolintultiyek mec nit ehtek. | As we were singing, it was still there. |
02:37 | Aha. Ma-te macessiw. | Yes. It didn't move. |
02:38 | Kamotu sesolahki-te, | Suddenly, right in this very spot, |
02:41 | yut-te-te, yut-te petalokittiyamu. | it fell right here. |
02:43 | Kwewitahatomon nit? | Do you remember that? |
02:44 | Well, yet ntihihpon, nkuwihpon. | Well, I was over there, asleep. |
02:46 | Kisi-tuhkimipa. | You woke me up. |
02:47 | Kis yut petalokittiyamu oloqiw. | The darn thing landed over this way. |
02:49 | Kinalokittiyena! | Holy cow! |
02:50 | Eci-pitiyalokittiyahtuwek Tahnol! | Donald, it was so bright! |
02:53 | On ntolapomotinen Gracie. | Gracie and I looked at each other. |
02:55 | Itom, "Too late. UFO. | She said, "Too late. UFO. |
03:02 | Kmacephukepon-otehc." | We're going to be taken." |
03:04 | Ma-te nkisi-nahtokahawolotihpon. | And we couldn't get ashore. |
03:05 | Oh my God! | Oh my God! |
03:07 | Yali-siktehpayu Gracie? | Was Gracie scared? |
03:09 | Ntiyali-sikehpayultipon. | We were all scared. |
03:11 | Nil etutqahsi. | I was sound asleep. |
03:12 | Nekom etutqahsit. | She was sound asleep. |
03:15 | kis olomi-natqahsu Tiyena. | Deanna had already gone to sleep. |
03:19 | Yut nilun yalintultiyek nilun | We were here singing, |
03:20 | Barbara naka Gracie. | Barbara and Gracie and I. |
03:22 | Tpuhk? | Was it very late? |
03:23 | Ya, 'qoci-tpuhk. | Yes, we were there all night. |
03:25 | Ya, tpuhk. | Yes, late at night. |
03:26 | On ehta yet oloqiw | And so we were |
03:28 | elomi kapuwultiyek apc, | standing over there again, |
03:29 | ntotolintultinen, ntolintultinen. | singing, singing. |
03:32 | Kamotu sesolahkiw-ote keq, | All of a sudden something went |
03:34 | pshhh! | pshhh! |
03:35 | "Barbara, what the hell’s that?" | "Barbara, what the hell’s that?" |
03:37 | Keq iya nit? | What was it? |
03:39 | Ma-te nkocicihtuwonewin nit keq. | We didn’t know what it was. |
03:41 | Eltaqahk. | Such a sound. |
03:42 | - Eltaqahk. Aha. | - Such a sound. Yes. |
03:44 | Mec-al nihi yaka, | It must have sounded about three times |
03:45 | on yaka nkocicihtunen nit keq, | before we knew what it was, |
03:47 | ’sami psiw-ote npuspawolotipon. | because it got us all wet. |
03:50 | Sakhi-putuwat putep. | A whale came up blowing. |
03:52 | U, eci-wolomalokittiyemomqahk. | Oh, it felt so good. |
03:55 | Etucessik pokuhulakon! | The drum was just a-going! |
03:58 | Gracie etucintaq! | Gracie sang her heart out. |
04:00 | "Psiw-ote putepok!" | "All the whales!" |
04:05 | "Kiluwaw yut." | "This is yours." |
04:07 | Elinaqsihtit psiw-ote putepok, | There were so many whales |
04:09 | nwiwonahsekotakunnuk-ote putepok. | circling around us, |
04:12 | Akim sixteen nkisokimannuk. | about sixteen we counted. |
04:15 | Nsakhi-tuhkimkuk yukk. Etuttaqsihtit. | They came and woke me. They were so loud. |
04:17 | "Tiyena, amihkalokittiyay!" | "Deanna, get up! Hurry!" |
04:20 | Alhomultuwok. | They were swimming around. |
04:22 | Yali-putuwahtuwok. | They were blowing. |
04:24 | Yalotokkultihtit. | They were jumping. |
04:25 | Psi-te nit ’tiyalotokkultiniya. | They were all jumping. |
04:27 | Eci-wolalokittiyemomqahk! | It felt so darn good! |
04:31 | Naka eli I think tolintultiyeq, | And, I think, the singing you all did, |
04:34 | totolimiyahtiyeq… | the praying you all did… |
04:35 | "Nulasihkomonen ’samaqan, | "I greet the water, |
04:37 | skitkomiq, monihkul." | the earth, the islands." |
04:39 | Nit-te-na ’peciyawolotiniya putepok. | Then the whales came. |
04:41 | Putep. | Whale. |
04:42 | - Putep. | - Whale. |
04:44 | Lintuwatomone. | Let’s sing it. |
04:45 | Ya! | Yes! |
05:44 | Pihce…pihcetu ktolacqiphukepon | We’ve driven a long way |
05:46 | weci monihkuhsisok kisi-lapasiyiq, | to walk to the island, |
05:49 | naka ma musqotu. | and it hasn’t cleared off. |
05:50 | Nama, nama. | No, no. |
05:52 | Koti yaq wolokiskot today. | They say it’s going to be nice today. |
05:54 | Kenoq eci-wolalokittiyemomqahk | But it felt so good |
05:55 | nit weckuhqepultiyek. | where we were sitting. |
05:57 | Ya. | Yes. |
05:59 | Ntotoli-yahan Suliyan | I told Juliann that time. |
06:01 | neket, ntiyahpon, | I told her, |
06:04 | "Tan ci nil, iyey, | "When I go |
06:06 | koti-skicinuwatuwi, skat, iyey, | to speak our language, |
06:10 | nonomuwon, iyey, latuwakon, | if I don’t know the word |
06:13 | nit-te npiskiqewin naka… | I shut my eyes and… |
06:16 | Cestehp nutuwuk, iya, | It’s as if I hear |
06:19 | nuhkomoss etoli-skicinuwatuwet | my grandmother speaking, |
06:21 | kosona, iya, mecimiw uletisok. | or the old ladies. |
06:25 | Uuu! | Ooh! |
06:26 | Iya. | Yeah. |
06:28 | Kosqehsuhsok? | Old ladies? |
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