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Displaying 1626 - 1650 of 19317
Entry | Definition |
cikones | small apple (e.g., apple just starting to grow, crab apple); fruit of hawthorn (genus Crataegus) |
cikonesimus | (tree of genus Crataegus) hawthorn, thorn-apple |
cikonesis | crab apple |
cikonewey payis | apple pie |
cikonewihpu | s/he eats unripe apples |
cikoni-posonut | apple basket |
cikoniyahqemus | (tree, Malus pumila) apple |
'cikonomon | s/he quiets it down, stops it from making noise |
cikopu | s/he is silent, sits silently |
'ci-kskomhike, 'ci-kskomihike | s/he takes shortcut from there, cuts across from there |
ciksotaqsit | king, ruler (man or woman) |
ciksotaqsitusq | queen, woman ruler |
ciksotasu | s/he is well behaved; s/he listens (obeys) |
ciksotom | s/he listens, s/he obeys |
'ciksotomon | s/he listens to it, heeds it |
'ciksotomuwewal | s/he listens on h/ behalf (e.g., listens for h/ taxi to arrive) |
'ciksotuwal | s/he listens to h/, heeds h/, obeys h/ |
'ciktahal | s/he shapes h/ roughly by scraping, smoothing, chipping, etc. (e.g., piece of ash wood) |
cikte | it is quiet, is silent |
'ciktehmon | s/he shapes it roughly by scraping, smoothing, chipping, etc. |
'ciktehmuwan | s/he shapes something belonging to h/ by scraping, smoothing, etc. |
ciktelaqiw | the night is silent or quiet |
ciktihike | s/he shapes roughly by chopping with hatchet or similar tool (e.g., in making a handle for an ax or hammer) |
ciktihikewey | adze, ax, hatchet; scraper, plane; chisel |
cil- | leaving a mark (spot of dirt or paint, scratch, cut, dent, impression, etc.) |