
noun inanimate
Plural : kenotolsol
Possessed : 'kenotolsum
Locative : kenotolsok
Diminutive : kenotolsis

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
Nkisi-psqolenomon kenotols, on yut kikociw lossin ntatat. Ntahcuwi-skituwapek. I lit a candle, and there was my father in bed in the corner of the room. I had to crawl over him. (DAF)
Nehe, wen pawatokos kenotols? Okay, who wanted the candle?
Ntaponuhmuwewkunol nqoss nahaht kenotolsol. My son bought me some candles recently.
Notes : (from English, candle)
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

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Word Dolly
word Donnell
Example Dolly
Example Dolly
Example Dolly

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