
verb ii 21
it is high land
Verb Stem : spahkomike-
Changed Verb Stem : espahkomike-

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
Nit sonuciw sitomihkuk etoli-spahkomikekil psiw wen oliye etoli-maqahamok keti-nomiyahtit Kci-nuci-wocawsonuhkelicil, kenoq peskotomuhkatiyik sesolahki-te wewinomoniya nit keq: kat yaq not Wocawson; kci-oqiton yaq nit, pemhulucik piluwahkewinuwok. Everyone went to the banks along the shoreline to see the great Wind-blower, but the Peskotomuhkatiyik suddenly noticed something: it wasn't Wocawson; it was a big canoe with strange men aboard. (DAF)
Stehpal nit espahkomikesk. Where there is a bit of a high bank (along the shore). (MT)
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

Audio Recording Type of Recording Authored by
word Scott
word Dolly
example Dolly
example Dolly