tan tehpu

(see examples) ever, however

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
Mecimi-te 'tahcuwi-tpitahatomon tan tehpu keq wen qecimulat. She always has to think about whatever anyone asks her.
Tan tehpu wen. Whoever. Anyone. It doesn't matter who.
Tan tehpu kil keti-oluhkiyin. However you want to do it.
Tan tehpu keq. Whatever. Anything. It doesn't matter what. .
Ma 'taluwihtuwon tan tehpu keqsey. He never fails, no matter what he tries to make.
Kat-te keq leyiw tan tehpu wen. It doesn't matter who it is. (LM)
Notes : (see also tan wot)
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

Audio Recording Type of Recording Authored by
word Dolly
word Roger
Example Dolly
Example Dolly
Example Dolly
Example Dolly
Example Dolly
Example Dolly
example Stephanie

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