
verb ai, ai+obj 1
s/he makes handprint on it; s/he grabs it up (e.g., at sale)
Plural : uciptinessultiniya; 'ciptinessultuwok (ai)
Prefixed Verb Stem : -uciptinessi-
Unprefixed Verb Stem : 'ciptinessi-
Changed Verb Stem : weciptinessi-

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
'Ciptinessu. S/he leaves a handprint.
Wasis weciptinessit somentok, nit-te eluwikhasik 'pihtin. Where the child put his hand on the cement, he left his handprint.
Nmetsihkus etoli-wolawotikpon tawelol, kis cel ankuwhoticik uciptinessultiniyaw. I was late getting to the towel sale, and the shoppers had grabbed them all up.
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

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example Brenda
word Brenda
example Dolly
word Dolly
example Dolly