
verb ta 36
s/he drives h/ from there; s/he comes up to h/ from somewhere
Prefixed Verb Stem : -utkuw-
Unprefixed Verb Stem : 'cihkuw-
Changed Verb Stem : wetkuw-

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
U, nit ehta kil nit etoli-macehpawotuwiyons nweyossisomok. Eci yaq nutehkawotihtit, 'pahkamok wetkuwat naka ulatpehtahan yuhtol, iyol, Cipelahqol. Oh, you're the one who scared my animals away. As they were going out he came up to Cipelahq from behind and hit him over the head. (MT)
Utkuwal ahahsuwol Wehqapiqek. She drove the horse from Perry.
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

Audio Recording Type of Recording Authored by
example Brenda
word Brenda
example Dolly
word Dolly