witayyemal, witahyemal

verb ta 32
s/he plays with h/
Verb Stem : -witayyem-, -witahyem-

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
Nwitahyemahpon Koles pihce neke weckuwi-macekiyek. A long time ago when we were growing up I used to play with Grace.
Wikuwaci-witahyemal 'sami mecimi-te 'tihinol sukolisol. She likes to play with him because he always has candy.
Nwitahyema nitapesq ketuwahsonotek. I play with my girlfriend on Saturday.
'Kosi-iywawal kotokik pilqehsisok, qenoq mec-ote ma witayyemawi. The other girls like her, but she still won't play with them.
Nwitayyema nuhsimis. I play with my little brother.
Keywords :

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word Alberta
example Alberta