sapiye 1

verb ai & ii 11, 22
s/he, it passes through, goes or comes through; (ii) it turns out or happens
Plural : sapiyawolotuwok (ai)
Verb Stem : -sapiya-

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
Eci kil, iyey, elinaqahk weci-sapiyayin. You have really been through a lot. (DAF)
Nit oli-sapiye, nahahte weckuwapok 'petkawotiniya keskotoqek sip. Then it happens, just when dawn is about to break, that they arrive at a wide stream. (LM)
Sapiye man keti-miluwemok. The money has come through that is going to be given away.
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

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Word Dolly
Example Dolly