
verb ti 27
s/he moves it out into or onto water, moves it out into open space
Verb Stem : -milawehtu-

Example Sentences :

Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqey English Phrase
'Tiyal yaq, "Milaweht tuwihput." He told her, "Pull out the table." (MT)
Kosqehsuhs milawehtun yut tuwihput. 'Punomon yut ptoqap. 'Tiyal, "Nita! Kincemoss eli-pasqihihpit ntolihpinen." The old lady hauled out the table. He put the bag there. He said, "Now! What the king eats for dinner, so shall we eat." (MT)
Keywords :

Audio Recordings :

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word Alberta
example Alberta
Example Nancy