
Entry Definition
h/ mouth is open
(sack, etc.) its mouth is open
s/he opens mouth and holds it open
(book) it lies open
pull-cord that opens curtains; cord that opens slats of blinds, unlatches door, etc.
s/he opens it, unties it, unfastens it
s/he opens or unties or unfastens something belonging to h/
s/he opens it quickly, flips it open (door, cover, damper, etc.)
s/he unfolds it, folds it open (chair, stroller, other jointed object)
s/he opens h/ (bottle, jar)
s/he opens it
s/he opens it for h/; opens something belonging to h/
it is open
s/he throws it open (door, lid, etc.)
(door, window, room; meeting) s/he opens it
s/he opens something belonging to h/
s/he forces or pries it open, forces open what contains or covers it
s/he forces or pries h/ open, forces open what contains or covers h/
s/he cuts it open
s/he cuts open something belonging to h/
it opens
s/he, it opens; (game animal) there is open season on h/
it opens gradually
prop that holds something open; (zipper on pants) fly
s/he throws it open (door, window, etc.)