
Entry Definition
s/he, it is under-priced
low spirits, discouragement, downheartedness
s/he sits at low level, has low position (job, rank, title)
s/he places h/ in too low a position, doesn't put h/ in high enough position (in space, in administrative hierarchy); s/he holds h/ in low esteem
s/he places it in too low a position; s/he does not put enough of it (e.g., money in collection basket)
s/he places something belonging to h/ in too low a position
s/he thinks poorly of h/, has low opinion of h/
s/he is held in low esteem
it is held in low esteem
low self-esteem, feeling of inferiority
s/he thinks poorly of it, has low opinion of it
s/he demotes h/, places h/ in low-ranking position
(official, administrator) s/he has low position
s/he is shy, s/he holds self as if s/he has low self-esteem
s/he has low opinion of self, has low self-esteem
s/he has a low opinion of h/, thinks little of h/, is disappointed in h/; s/he is indifferent to h/
s/he has a low opinion of it, thinks little of it, is disappointed in it; s/he is indifferent to it
the tide is at its lowest in its monthly cycle; it is neap tide