
Entry Definition
s/he, it is thick
(tree, ash splint) h/ wood has coarse or thick grain
s/he has thick hair or fur
(liquid) it is thick
(ice) s/he is frozen in thick layer
s/he has thick skin
s/he wears thick clothes
it is thick layer
(ice) s/he is frozen as thick layer
(animal) s/he has thick coat of fur
(body part) it has bushy or thick hair
(animal) s/he has bushy or thick hair
(person) s/he has bushy or thick hair
bushy, thickly grown
it is thickly covered with moss
s/he has thick skin
(smoke, mist, fog) it is thick; (place, atmosphere) it is dark with smoke or mist or fog
the undergrowth or brush is thick there, is difficult to penetrate
thick growth of trees, underbrush, etc. that is difficult to pass through
there is a thick fog
(book, something made up of layers) it is thick, it is stacked high